Thursday, January 21, 2010

dates (and daunting-ness).

The month of January is kind of daunting, especially if you are like me and tend to put life in the perspective of a calendar; 12 months at a time.

The month of January is even more daunting if you are, like me, recently engaged and (in my opinion) embarking on one of the most daunting experiences of your life, planning a wedding.

I’ve caught myself relating the next year (and a little) of my life into specific random days.

There aren't many of them, but these days seem to loom over my head reminding me how quickly 2010 is going to flip to 2011.

Some of the days are TBA. The day I will definitely need to have booked a photographer by…the day I will definitely needed to have decided on a photographer by. The day I will need to definitely begin a search for a real big-girl job. The day I will pick out my wedding dress….

Most of the days however; are legitimate actual days.

April 15th. My 22nd birthday.

May 7th. The last day of my co-op.

May 17th. The first day of my second to last semester of college.

May 29th. My best high school friends wedding, and my debut as bridesmaid extraordinaire.

August 15th. The one year anniversary of the death of my neighbor.

August 23rd. The last first day of my FINAL semester of college.

September 29. Daniels 24th birthday.

November 1st. Daniel and my 3 year anniversary together.

December 11th. One year engaged.

December 18th. Graduation.

December 19th. Real freaking life begins.

But perhaps out of all of these days the one that is pressing into my every thought is the one in which I will become one with someone else. The day I will become a wife.

Yes. The date that all the other days (in my mind) are currently leading up to….the date that all the other days of preparation will finally yield to….

March 5th, 2011.


1 comment:

  1. Awww, girl, I know that life can get stressful. And you do have a lot on your plate! But you will get through it! And then you'll be a *wife* and all of your planning and hard work will have been worth it!
