Thursday, July 15, 2010


Through the years several people have used the word “boxy” to describe me. I compartmentalize…everything. Boxes make things neat, organized, and efficient.

For a long time, I compartmentalized God. He had a very large box of course, but a box none-the-less. Because His box was so big, it was easy to say he was an active part of my life…but really…when “things” are in boxes, they are not active---they are contained.

Soon after Daniel and I started dating is when I finally woke up to this Power that I was containing.

Daniel challenged me in so many ways---ways that forced me to open that box and relay fully on God instead of just using Him as decoration.

For the past two years, it has been a daily struggle to be aware and awake to the awesome God I serve. To work to ensure that I am not compartmentalizing Him in certain aspects of life. I still fail at this so often, but I am so thankful that God is showing me these places and giving me opportunities to rely fully on faith.

May 21st I received an email from our campus minister. A mission trip to Haiti through the Georgia Baptist Convention was in the works. July 28th-August 4th. A response was needed by May 26th.

Like a clap of thunder, I heard God shouting “GO” at me before my brain could even process….of course I started sorting through excuses.

School?---My classes would be over.

Work?---I could miss for one week.

Cost?---After reading the fine print---the trip was entirely free to those who were willing, able, and had their passports now.

Amazingly, Daniel and I had received our passports only 3 weeks earlier after applying for them in preparation for our honeymoon next year.

It seemed as if God knew what every single excuse of mine could be and struck them down one by one. I don't think God could have made it any clearer. You’re going Katelyn. I responded “yes, I’ll go” before talking to anyone (even Daniel). I knew God was telling me to go and I didn't want anyone trying to change my mind. 

My heart literally bursts with excitement every time I think about this trip. In my moments of fear, God comforts my heart. In my moments of excitement, I feel like God is cheering right next to me.

Haiti is exactly where I am supposed to be between July 28th and August 4th.

It is a huge leap of faith. It is way out of character for a girl who has never been out of the south east. It is amazing. And it is so much bigger than any kind of box I could ever find.

And I should know, because right now, my life is in boxes. Literal boxes. Since my apartment lease ends July 31st, I must be completely moved out and moved home before I leave for Haiti the 28th.

Right now, I am not sure how I will get it all together and get everything ready and packed for Haiti.

….But I’ve realized, the one thing I truly need for Haiti does not have to be boxed, bagged, or checked…and I praise the Lord for that.  ;)

Pray for our team, and pray for the hearts of the people and children of Haiti.